In the media

A curated collection of media mentions of C-Green and OxyPower HTC™ technology.

C Green i dagens industri

2024-11-19 I Dagens industri

C-Green registers the BioBooster Trademark

Previous studies have demonstrated that biocoal can significantly enhance biogas production when used as an additive in digestion processes. At C-Green, we’ve coined the term BioBooster to highlight biocoal's potential to boost biogas production in digesters.

2024-10-21 I Impact Loop

“From sludge to climate-smart biocoal” - interview with Michael Sjöberg, CEO C-Green

Read an article with C-Green's CEO Michael Sjöberg in Impact Loop (behind paywall).

C Green i dagens industri

2024-09-24 I Dagens industri

 C-Green's biocoal replaces artificial fertilizers

In tests conducted at a tree nursery, 10 000 forest plants had 20% of their peat replaced with C-Green's biocoal. The results show that the use of artificial fertilizers can thus be halved.

2023-02-20 I Dagens industri

Ragn-Sells and C-Green collaborate on circular sludge management 

Häradsudden outside Norrköping will be the site of the first C-Green facility designed for sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Read an interview with Peter Axegård, Senior Advisor at C-Green.

C Green i dagens industri

2022-11-22 I Dagens industri

Interview with Markus Hökfelt, SEB Greentech Investor Director and C-Green board member in Dagens industri. 

SEB Greentech is one of C-Green’s key investors, with a focus on sustainable and climate-neutral companies: "We believe that it is in the green transition that the best and biggest business opportunities will be found."

2023-02-20 l TechArenan News

“They make energy from sewage sludge with 100-year-old Nobel Prize-winning technology” 

Read a new interview with CEO Michael Sjöberg on C-Green’s future trajectory in TechArenan News, a Swedish news platform highlighting innovation and entrepreneurship with a focus on startup and scaleup companies.

2022-07-01 | SEB

C-Green featured by SEB Greentech

C-Green investor SEB Greentech finances green technology, focusing on transformative ideas that substantially impact the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. SEB Greentech “expects the companies (they invest in) to be in a phase where they have tested and adapted their technology to real operating conditions, and… is particularly searching for teams with a relentless dedication to their mission, and who are ready to scale their business internationally.” In April, we were featured on their website.

2019-04-04 | Process Nordic

Teknologi för slamhantering finns men lagstiftning sätter stopp

Det finns en stor och intressant möjlighet att göra något bättre av slammet, till exempel att återvinna fosfor och till och med göra en biokolprodukt som sedan kan användas igen i reningsprocessen.

2018-07-02 | Bioenergitidningen

Ny teknik omvandlar bioslam till biobränsle

Den här lösningen har stor affärsmässig potential, är globalt skalbar och har därför goda förutsättningar att ge en betydande minskning av växthusgaser.

2018-06-08 | Nordisk Energi

Ny teknik förvandlar slam från problem till högvärdigt bränsle

Vi gör om slam till ett anvvändbart, sterilt och fast biobränsle som kan ersätta fossila bränslen eller mer kostsamma biobränslen.