Welcome onboard to two new board members

C-Green welcomes two new board members: Linda Nyberg and Ulf Lundström. Both have key competencies and experience that will support C-Green in offering a global solution to circular sludge handling.


Linda Nyberg

Linda studied at Uppsala University, University of Alberta, and Université Paris-Sorbonne. She has worked extensively in media and communications, with a main focus on television and produced and hosted a number of programs for Swedish television, Al Jazira in Qatar and the European Space Agency.

Linda has worked in communication management at Essity (formerly SCA) and for the Swedish pharmacy retail chain Apoteket. Recently, she has focused on providing support in communications and strategy to startups and innovation companies, both as a consultant and as a board member. Currently, she is Group Communications Director at AniCura, member of the board of the listed mobile forensics company MSAB and the board of the global entertainment platform Flaire.


Ulf Lundström

Since graduating from Stockholm University in 2002, after studying management and marketing financing, Ulf Lundström has worked with the pulp and paper industry and has extensive experience of all aspects of the business.

He is Managing Director of Andritz in Sweden, where he is responsible for all Scandinavian pulp and paper industry business. Andritz Sweden has 300 employees and a total annual turnover of 150 M€. Ulf has an excellent understanding of the requirements on a supplier delivering to the pulp and paper industry and extensive experience in sales and delivery of large-scale machinery.



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